How to Supercharge Your Immunity

It’s cold and flu season and we are all looking for ways to avoid the many nasty viruses floating around. How can you protect your body against the “bad bugs” that are seemingly everywhere? Here are some strategies to supercharge your immune system:

Be mindful of your diet. Your body loves a low-sugar, low-refined carbs diet. Limit junk food and increase your intake of veggies and fruit. Ideally, you’re eating five cups of fruits and veggies every day and drinking lots of water. A good rule on water is to take your weight, divide it by two and then drink that many ounces of water each day.

Get enough vitamin D. Vitamin D helps our immune system function properly. The only sure way to know your vitamin D levels is by getting a blood test. Wintertime in the Midwest means that you aren’t getting outside and soaking in those vitamin D rays like you do in the spring and summer. Adding a vitamin D supplement is usually a good idea during the winter months. And, you can increase the dose for 3 days at the first sign of illness!

Do a gut check. Ensure you have proper microbial balance in your intestines. Remember this: You need the right balance of the “good guy” bacteria to crowd out any “bad guys,” illness-causing bacteria, fungus, and parasites. Eighty percent of your immune system is in your gut!

Go to sleep. Your body needs 7-9 hours of good quality sleep each night. Creating good sleep habits will pay off in overall health and well-being.

Manage stress. Don’t let stress get to you. Develop intentional habits of prayer/meditation time and begin practicing yoga. Schedule a massage to relax or call a friend to enjoy some laughter!

Move your body. Bundle up for a winter walk, visit a fitness center, or look up exercise videos on the internet that you can do at home. There are many options for increasing your heart rate and giving your body the exercise it craves.

Use essential oils. There are several essential oils that help boost immunity and kill “bad bugs.” Stop by our office or give us a call for recommendations.

Use Viricid at the first sign of illness. This herbal supplement by Orthomolecular Products can help prevent the progression of an illness or lessen the severity and/or duration of symptoms.

Other nutrients like elderberry syrup and vitamin C can be very helpful as well in keeping the “bad bugs” away.

~Susan Julian, NP, Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner


Julian Healthcare is here to help you stay healthy this season. Call us for an appointment at 765-530-8008, and we can develop an individualized care plan for you or your family.

